
What is Fargo?

Fargo is a bot that loves federal procurement.

Fargo is a Slack app designed to help government contractors easily find and research information related to working with the U.S. federal government.

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Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning usage disclosure

We use large-language models for two Fargo commands: (1) far; and (2) opps.

With far, we rely on a customized prompt and use ChatGPT to summarize the FAR provisions. Although we have found that this summary is fairly effective for internal daily use, it is not a substitute for experienced judgment of acquisition professionals and is not legal advice.

With opps, we rely on embeddings to help identify semantically similar opportunities. We are still evaluating the effectiveness of using "hybrid search" (a combination of keywords and semantic similarity) for searching opportunities. We don't know if they work well, or better, or worse than any alternatives, but they have so far proven interesting.